DISTRICT Jepara than known as a city carved in the Jepara district met with the regional center that has many small industries, such ceramic in Mayong, monel in Kriyan (Kalinyamatan), woven rope in Troso (Pecangaan), and rattan in Kalipucang (WELAHAN). centers in the traditional woven rope Troso is one of the industries that have opportunities to be developed as carved furniture.
Although not as advanced 1990s, the industry is still contributing in the economic development community Troso and Jepara in general.
In the 1997-1998, woven rope troso industry slump. That can not be separated from the conditions of the national economy worsened. However, industries that rely on traditional engine that does not mean dead. In 2000, the craft industry began to rise again.
During the victory almost every house in the village have Troso loom. In 1998 there are 165 units recorded in 2001 and down to 96 units. Now, the number increased again tenunnya machines, 114 units. In addition to individuals, cooperatives have a heap Gotong Royong 32 crafter and three companies engaged in the weaving industry troso bunch.
source: http://www.ukirjepara.co.cc
Woven Troso
Label: Woven Troso | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaRA. Kartini Museum at Glance
Label: RA. Kartini Museum at Glance | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism Indonesia
RA Kartini museum is located on the town center, northward the town’s field Jepara. The museum is a general museum and functioned as historical tourist object managed by the Tourism office of Jepara Regency. The museum is daily opened from 08.00 am to 02.00 pm. It was built on March 30th 1975 at Soewarno Djojomardowo, SH era and officially opened at Soedikto, SH era on April 21st 1977. The purpose of the museum establishment is to commemorate RA Kartini’s struggle. By documenting Kartini’s struggle and showing to the public, hope that public will always remember Kartini’s efforts in sustaining gender equity.
In this museum you can also notice several historical stuffs founded in Jepara regency. Total area is 5.210 square meters but only 890 sguare meters used for the museum building. The museum consist of three main building figured like K,T,N, form (abreviaton of KARTINI). The buildings are devided into 4 collection rooms as follows.
This room contains of RA Kartini’s heritage, including her portraits when she was alive.
A set of real wooden living chairs and table carved with anscient motive. With picture of her face when she was getting to be merried with the residence of Rembang, 12 November 1903.
*Portrait of her handwritten letter which she sent to her peenpal in Netherland
*Her only sons portrait, Raden Mas Singgih.
*Her fathers portrait, RMAA Sosroningrat.
*Her mothers Portrait, MA Ngasirah.
*Learning desk.
*Souvenir made by her students.
*Special device udes to paint clothes.
*Kartinis genealogy.
*Portraits of backyard of Jepara City Hall.
*Botekan (medicine box used to keep herbs).
*Original sew machine belongs to her students.
In this room we will notice Drs. RMP. Sosrokartonos heritage (Kartini’s brother). He had a hoge contribution in supporting Kartinis idea. He was well known for his special skill in traditional treatment using mineral water as media. People called him “Ndoro Sosro” and also often called “Joko Pring” and “Mandor Klungsu”. He was also well known for his “Catur Murti” skill (a harmony of spoken language, feeling, idea, and behavior). According to Javanese belieafe, a person who can achieve “Catur Murti” will become a real human. His heritages are well keep in this-Original waiting room chairs
*Sofa chairs which was used for rest
*Treatment bed which was also used for his final rest
*Portrait of Merapi Mount and Lawu Mount, not taken by using satellite or airplane but taken by his supranatural skill
*Yoga room
*Framed picture of alif (Arabic 1st letter) used to know the result of the cure
Contain of many stuffs from Queen Shima era in 7th century. Queen Shima was a queen of Kalingga Kingdom belong to Keling Sub-Distric.
*Portrait of Kalingga Kingdom’s stuff made of gold and platinum
*The statue of Trimurti and Siwa Mahaguru
*Yoni and lingga
*A block of carve stone, similar with the ornament which is settle on wall of Mantingan Mosque
*A set of gamelan (old Javanese traditional music instrument)
Ceramic stuffs founded in Karimunjava sea rooms, such as:
Besides all those stuffs mentioned above, in this room there are also some samples of Jepara traditional handicraft, as follows:
* Carving wood
*Monel (a kind of white steel)
*Ceramic stuffs
*Rattan and Bamboo souvenir
In this room we can find the skeleton of giant fish called “Joko Tuo”, which has 16 m in length and 2 m width. The fish was founded in 1989 by the local fisherman of Karimunjava. According the archeologist, the fish belong to elephant fish family. It is proven by the tusk which belong to the fish is similar with elephant curved tusk but most of visitor belief that the fish is a kind whale.
source: http://jeparatourism.blogspot.com
Mount Kelimutu, Flores
Label: Flores, Mount Kelimutu | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaKelimutu mountain is a volcano located on the island of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Location precisely in this mountain village Koanara, District Wolowaru, Ende. This mountain has three crater lakes on top. This lake is known by the name of Lake of Three Colors for the three different colors, namely red, blue and white. However, colors always change over time. Kelimutu is a combination word of "keli" which means mountain, and the word "quality" which means boiling. According to local belief, colors on the lake has Kelimutu each have the power of nature and a very formidable.
Start the beginning of this area found by Van Such Telen, citizens of the Netherlands, in 1915. Beauty known knowledgeable after Y. Bouman described in writings in 1929. Since that time began to foreign tourists come to enjoy the lake, known for haunted the local community. They come not only a lover's beauty, but also researchers who want to know the nature of the incident is very rare. Kelimutu area has been set into the National Nature Conservation area since 26 February 1992.
Tiwu Kelimutu lake or in the top three sections in accordance with the color - the color that is in the lake. Lake blue or "Tiwu Nuwa MURI koo Fai" is a gathering place where the souls of young-mudi who has died. Lake of the red or "Tiwu Ata Polo" is a gathering place where the souls of those who have died for and he always lives to crime / horoscope. While the lake or a white "Tiwu Ata Mbupu" is a gathering place where the souls of parents who have died.
Knowledgeable about the lake that 1,051,000 square meters with a water volume of 1292 million cubic meters. Boundary between the lake is a narrow wall of stone that is easy to landslides. This wall is very steep with a slope angle 70 degrees. Wall height of the lake ranges from 50 to 150 meters.
In the Kelimutu trip, visitors can enjoy the flora and fauna that are rarely found in other places such as mountain pine, red wood, edelweis, porcupine, wild pig, big rat, and bird gerugiwa.
Stunning scenery you can also see that such activities continue to whiff solfatara steam and the crater wall yellow. When you cast a glance to the east to reach the peak when a red lake, a hill-shaped tower looks round. That Buu Ria, located high in the Mount Kelimutu.
source: www.artukat.com
Market Ngasem (Special Region of Yogyakarta)
Label: Market Ngasem (Special Region of Yogyakarta) | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism Indonesia
Introduction The attractiveness of tourism sector in Yogyakarta not only in the palace, Malioboro, or the older buildings in the historic area, but also in places used by people in beraktivitas daily. One of the many people of Yogyakarta beraktivitas place that can serve as the tourism market is Ngasem. Ngasem market is the traditional market that sells special pets, especially birds. This market is located in the village of Kampung Ngasem and Park, Palace District, about 400 meters west of the palace Kasultanan Yogyakarta.
Perhaps, the area market Ngasem former lake frequently used Sultan Hamengku Buwono ber II, while a trip to see the beauty of the palace outside the fort. However, the long run the place, Lake berpelesir Sultan is a function of the switch and in the middle of the village into a market that sells bird special.
Start the Market Ngasem not known exactly, but a photo market conditions in 1809 years that was published in www.tembi.org site has been proven that the existence of this market has been far before the image was taken. Establishment of the market it is most likely related to the position of a bird or kukila for the Java community, especially among the priyayinya. In the community, and birds [1] not just as pets but also functions as a status symbol for someone. The position of animals that can fly this wonderful chatter and almost equated with the position turangga (horse), suspicious (keris), homeless, and women of the requirements to become a priyayi. This makes Java a priyayi not feel a priyayi that if indeed he did not have the five "objects" are.
Around 1960 Market Ngasem become more knowledgeable with the market dipindahkannya birds that are in the region Beringharjo market. Moving from the bird market Beringharjo make this market more identical Ngasem as a bird market, so it was not surprising when many foreign tourists as a bird call that market. As a note, actual market Ngasem not only to sell only birds, but also animal-other pets. However, because activities like bird-sell a more prominent, then the market is better known as bird market.
Market Conditions
Ngasem have broad market around 6000 square meters of place by about 150 stalls. Kiosks that are on the front of the market almost exclusively sell food (food) birds, cage birds and bird keeping hobby completeness. On the western part of the market can be found stalls selling ornamental fish and equipment maintenance as well as several kiosks that provide services to set up maintenance fish. Ornamental fish sold varied, ranging from the small size of the price Rp.1.000, 00 per head until the fish reached the price of tens of thousands even hundreds, such as Arwana and louhan.
On the eastern part of the market (area of 2000 square meters) can be found stalls that sell various kinds of birds, feed birds, and bird cage. Birds that are sold in kiosks are not just local birds, such as the turtledove, Kutilang, kepodang, emprit, prenjak, jalak, parakeet, parakeet, derkuku, owl, eagle, cucakrowo, canary, and beo ciblek only. Birds penangkaran results that come from overseas have also, as poksay China, silver gelatik from Canada and others. In fact, there are also occasionally sell a rare bird that is protected by the government. However, due to the sanctions provided by the government for the traders who sell the birds are quite rare bird that is foreclosure, many traders do not dare sell it.
As a note, the traders in the market Ngasem it is generally already know what type of bird is prohibited diperjual-traded freely. Office Market in the wall has been placed Ngasem image and name of the protected birds law and in the entrance of the market also noted that the law prohibits the sale and purchase of protected animals. In addition to selling the fish and birds, some traders in the market Ngasem also sells various other types of pets such as rabbits, Marmut, dog, cat, civet cat, monkey, chicken, turtle, biawak, gecko, Iguana, and even snakes.
In this market also provides jajanan market, such as Gempol porridge (made from rice flour is combined with a sauce of coconut milk and palm sugar syrup), getuk, lupis, thiwul, and gatot. In addition, there are also stalls, food stalls selling nasi soto and rames that is located adjacent to the kiosk vendors birds. (pepeng)
Jepara Paradise
Label: Jepara Paradise | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaJepara to become the tourist destination of Jawa, located at the shore of North Jawa, with it’s famous white sand beaches, blue sea, hotels and restaurants, historical monuments, national parks, furniture and souvenir shopping, clean city are the proud of Jepara.
The city of Jepara, worldwide known in the furniture business, since some foreigners started to export it’s unique carved furniture products about 25 years ago, currently accomodates a 3,000 expats, employed in the furniture- and other business.The best swimming beach in Jepara is the crowded visited Bandengan Bay Beach, with clear waters, clean wide beach, and powdered sugar sand, perfect for sunbathing.
There are many other bays around Jepara, most of them still in original state, where you may only see your own footprints during a walk.
source: http://ari-keindahankotajepara.blogspot.com
Nusa Kambangan
Label: Nusa Kambangan | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaNusa Kambangan is the name of an island in Central Java is known as a place located several correctional facility (LP) ber high security in Indonesia. This island in the entrance area and administrative Cilacap Regency Recorded in the Indonesian island terluar. To reach this island people have to cross by ferry from the port of Cilacap in particular for approximately five minutes. The ferry port of this island called Wijayapura.
Originally there were nine in Nusa Kambangan LP (for political prisoners and prisoners), but now that is still operating only four, namely LP Stone (built 1925), LP Iron (built 1929), LP Kembang Kuning (1950), and LP Permisan (the oldest, built in 1908). Other five, namely Nirbaya, Karang Tengah, Limus clogged, Karang Anyar, and Gleger has been closed. Area south of the island facing directly to the Indonesian Ocean and craggy coastline with big waves. Cilacap area facing north and is surrounded by fishing villages along the mangroves, among others, Kampung Laut and Jojog.
Nusakambangan only the prisoners of the LP and its employees and their families, under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and Local Government Cilacap. Out-enter this island must have a special permit with certain procedures. Children of employees in elementary school is available in the island. To forward to the advanced level (junior high, high school, or university), they must attend school in another city or Cilacap in Java.
Kambangan island, as are the reserves, in addition to frequently used for military exercises, is also a habitat for rare trees, but many who have tebang the wild. Currently most of the remaining plants are perdu, nipah, and shrub. Pawlar timber that can only be found on this island because many stolen after dried, has a quality that is equivalent to the timber from Kalimantan.
Traditionally, Sultanate of Mataram dynasty often perform rituals on the island and make it as a "forest ritual." In the western part of the island, in a cave located in the area of mangroves, there is a kind of inscription survival time of VOC. At the end of the east, at the top of the hill coral, standing lighthouse tower and fortress Cimiring small Portuguese heritage. Variety of plants typical Javanese ritual culture planted here. Nusa Kambangan recorded as the last defense of the pure plant wijayakusuma. From where comes the name of this island: Nusa Kembangan, which means "island of flowers".
Main ferry ports in the Port of Nusakambangan is Sodong, special transportation for the family and employees and prisoners.
source: http://berwisata.com
Culture of Indonesia
Label: Culture of Indonesia | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaThe culture of Indonesia has took its current shape molded by several influences that have been prevalent in the land, as a result of the long process of interaction and acculturation between original indigenous customs and a multitude of foreign influences.
Nestled between the ancient sea trading routes between Far East and Middle East, Indonesian culture, too a large extent has imbibed much of its daily practices and art forms from the Hindu, Buddhist, Confucianism and Islamic influences. These connections are clearly evident mostly in its many trading cities.
The kaleidoscopic cultural hue of Indonesia is largely cosmopolitan and need to be distinguished from the original. The complex nature of this culture can be easily gazed by various lines of faiths adopted by people here, for example: Agama Hindu Dharma, a denomination of Hinduism is now practiced by 93% of Balinese. Other examples are the fusion of Islam with Hindu in Javanese Abangan belief, the fusion of Hinduism, Buddhism and animism in Bodha, the fusion of Hinduism and animism in Kaharingan, and many others.
With the diverse influences, shaping up the perspective of the Indonesian people, their lifestyle and values, the impact of the cultural fusion is also noticeable in Indonesian art forms. For instances, wayang- a traditional form of theatre show performed with puppets was used to spread Hinduism and Islam among villagers in Java. Similarly, in various Javanese and Balinese dances, often stories about old Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms are told. In Sumatra, especially in its Minangkabau and Aceh regions, one can see direct architectural inspiration from the Islamic art forms and architectures.
As far as the westernization of culture of Indonesia is concerned, an imprint of it though cannot be ruled out, but it is mostly limited to modern entertainment, such as television shows, movies and songs. One of the major influences in this sphere are the Bollywood songs and movies.
Mountain Batur
Label: Mountain Batur | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaIn the mountainous region around Kintamani, there is a lake with Mount Batur in the crater and hot springs that boil. The cool mountain air along the whole way, just beautiful with the existence of several important temples, which make Kintamani has become one of the places that do not forgotten in Bali tourist agenda.
Mount Batur is actually only one of a small volcano, but the location is in the middle of the crater diameter of 14 km. In addition, adjacent to Mount Batur Lake Batur is a crescent, surrounded by high walls of crater rim. Steepness crater size will make you imagine gigantic eruption of Mount Batur happened ten thousand years ago.
This mountain is still active until now, such as people who still remember the Bali blast that occurred in the year 1917 where erupsi has been taking thousands of lives and destroyed hundreds of temples. Erupsi other frequently after the incident occurred, so that force local communities to be evacuated, along with some temple covers one of the main Bali temples, Pura Ulun Danu. Pura Ulun Danu temple that is located in a large crater, and then moved to the top of the hill. Now, temple Pura Ulun Danu offers a scenic Mount Batur is captivating.
Bali Carrent
source: www.berwisata.com
Market Float Estuary Kuin
Label: Market Float Estuary Kuin | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaWith panoramanya witness, as if tourists are sightseeing. Jukung-jukung laden with cargo of merchandise vegetables, fruits, fish and all sorts of different needs of households available in the market float. When the sun began to appear gradually also began menyepi market, the traders also began to go leave the market float to bring the results with satisfaction. The atmosphere of the market and float the unique characteristic is the thrust of boats large and small buyers find each other and the seller, which is always running here and the more shaky always played Barito river waves.
Market float does not have organizations such as the market in the mainland, so it does not record how many traders and visitors to the merchant or bersarkan merchandise.
Vendors that sell boating results of the production itself or neighbors called the hamlet, while the second-hand purchase of a hamlet called for re-sale panyambangan. that makes this market special is still going barter transactions between the traders boating, which is in a language called Banjar bapanduk, something unique and rare.
Tourism is often seen as a charm fantastik, Banjarmasin like Venice in the East, as both have the potential of river tourism. However, both the city and different cultural background. In Banjarmasin still found in many rivers throughout the houses float lanting called the house, which is always played in the waves roll.
Kuin area is a type of settlement that is located along the river (Waterfront village) which has several tourist attraction such as nature tourism, cultural tourism and cultural tourism. Life of communities living close to rivers such as the market float, edge of the river with the traditional architecture. Downstream mudiknya various traditional boats with the cargo is the party of interesting attractions for tourists, and even expected to be developed so that rural tourism can be in forming the image of tourism promotion of South Kalimantan. Still in the same area that tourists can also visit the Masjid Sultan Riau and Makam Raja Pelalawan, Kembang island, islands and island Bakut surprised. Kuin also in carving craft ornaments for the home Banjar.
source: www.berwisata.com
Bukittinggi, The Most Relaxed Town in All Sumatra
Label: Bukittinggi, The Most Relaxed Town in All Sumatra | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaBukittinggi is one of the loveliest, friendliest, most relaxed town in all Sumatra. This town is situated more or less 930 meters above sea level. Bukittinggi, formerly named Fort De Cock by the Dutch, has a cool climate and is surrounded by three volcanoes: Tandikat, Singgalang and Merapi. In the outskirts of the town is the Ngarai Sianok canyon, a canyon separating Bukittinggi from Kota Gadang, 12 km away overland. Kota Gadang is renowned for its fine silver filigree and hand embroidery.
A center of attraction is the town's clock-tower, topped with a horn- shaped roof and referred to by the people as Jam Gadang. It overlooks the market square and the city's magnificent surroundings.
Also worth visiting is the Museum which is a Rumah Gadang, a traditional extended family house built in the 19th century. There are dance performances at the museum's open stage every Sunday and on public holidays. Night dance performances are at Sliguri. It is also worth seeing the bullfights at Padang Lawas (6 km south of Bukittinggi) every Tuesday at 5.00 p.m.
From Jakarta International Airport to Minangkabau International Airport in Ketaping it will take about 2 hours, after you arrive you can use Taxi or Bus to Bukittinggi. Coralia Bukittinggi with a grand view of the beautiful Anai valley, while Lima's Hotel, Hotel Asia and Hotel Denai are classified locally as 'superior hotels'.
• Simpang Raya, Jl Muka Jam Gadang. This large, popular restaurant has good-quality Padang food plus a basic Indonesian menu with soup, rice or noodle dishes.
• Under the Bridge Restaurant, Jl A Yani. This is a slightly up market travelers' restaurant serving steaks, pasta, pizza, apple pie and chocolate cake.
Moving Around
You can move around the city by Taxi, Bus or rent a car. Theres also a horse carriage or sado provide a colorful charming transportation to move around through the town.
Other Things to See or Do
• Watching one of the landmarks of the city, the Bukittinggi Big Ben or known as Jam Gadang. Also.
• Make nice trips in the environment like to the Harau nature reserve, the Pagaruyung Minangkabau palace and Lake Singkarak.
Souvenir Tips
As a tourist center, Bukittinggi boasts a multitude of craft,souvenir, jewelry, and antique shops. Many craft village lie within an hour ride from Bukittinggi.
• Lively Pasar Atas (Upper Market), just south of the clock tower, is lined with stalls and shops selling everyday goods and souvenirs. Nearby, Sumatera,
• Jl Minangkabau 19, has a huge range of textiles from Sumba and Irian Jaya and king sticks from North Sumatra.
• Though the horse carriage is far more expensive than the 'ojek', it is very popular with the locals, especially since it can carry whole families.
• The tourist office is at Jl Syech Bantam 1 (Mon-Thurs 8am-2pm, Fri 8-11am, Sat 8am-12.30pm; tel 0752/22403), near the clock tower.
• Tours: Many places offer one-day local tours to traditional villages, the Pagaruyung palace and the Harau Canyon.
Dining Guide
Good varieties of restaurants are situated on or close to the city. But, since youre in West Sumatra who is known with the spicy foods, we suggested you to try some Padang dishes like Rendang and Soto Padang. Here are some of restaurants around the city: Where to StayGetting There
source: www.my-indonesia.info
Tantalizing Taman Sari (Water Castle), Yogyakarta
Label: Tantalizing Taman Sari (Water Castle), Yogyakarta | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaWhen a traveler is browsing in Kraton, then she/he should not miss The Water Castle or known as Tamansari, less than 1 Km west of Kraton. Just west of the Kraton, are the ruins, pools, arches and underground passages of the former pleasure gardens. It was built in 1758 by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I as a rest house and pleasure park for the Royal family. Tamansari means beautiful garden. It was badly damaged due to an earthquake in 1867. Some parts of it, for instance "Umbul Binangun" bathing pools have been restored.
Upon seeing the ruins of Taman Sari, some cultural experts say that it has multi purposed functions, such as:
1. A Rest house, in the form of water castle with beautiful park. The air is fresh due to:
* Artificial lakes and canals
* Bathing pools
* Large gardens with several kind of varieties of trees
2. A place for sport and entertainment
* Boating and swimming
* Deer hunting
* Classical dance Bedoyo and Srimpi
* Gamelan music
3. A place for meditation
4. An important palace and shelter for the Sultan. It was well protected. It had 2 Bastions
with 12 and 6 Cannons.
The Castle itself divided into two (2) complexes. They are:
1. Umbul Binangun - swimming pool complex
It is the swimming pool where only the Sultans women can frolic. In this complex only woman employees serve the Sultan. Theres also a three story tower, with Sultan private bedroom stands south of the swimming pool and The Sultans private bath-pool is behind the tower. Somewhere in the south part of the palace, there is a special place, believed to be Sultans meeting place, from time to time with the Goddess of the South Sea, Kanjeng Ratu Kidul.
2. Pulo Kenongo - Complex
Pulo Kenongo, the Palace of Kenongo Island was found in the middle of Segaran Taman Sari. (Taman Sari artificial lake, which was connected by water canal to the other artificial lake nearby the kraton) Kenongo is a name of flower trees planted in the front yard, where the fragrance spread out in the palace. Just like in a palace, there were living rooms, bedrooms, rooms to make Batik, a hall to perform classical sacred dance of Bedoyo and Srimpi, gates and sentry-boxes guarded strongly by the palace soldiers.
Getting There
There are two ways to visit this place. The one is through Pasar Ngasem Bird Market, just go inside and find an alley called KP III, turn left, walk about 200 m, there is the Pulo Kenongo rest house complex. The other is through Jalan Taman Sari, from Pasar Ngasem, go by becak to South Square, around 0,5 Km turn right, there is the East-main Entrance, leads the way to the Royal Swimming pools.
Where to Stay
Tourist who wants to stay in the heart of the city has many choices since there are a lot of star and non-star hotels available.
Moving Around
On foot
Other Things to See or Do
Sightseeing into the castles complex and buy some souvenirs at Pasar Ngasem.
Dining Guide
There are many local 'warungs' (food stalls) that serve local foods. You can try one of the famous Yogyakarta local dish calledGudeg, a curry of jackfruit, chicken and egg served with rice.
Souvenir Tips
Pasar Ngasem - Bird Market, here is a market place which sells several kinds of cute birds and pets. Traditional products and household earthenwares are also sold here. In this area Batik Painters do not only sell their products, but some also give instruction in this art. Art shops and galleries of medium quality can be found allong the alleys.
Travel Tips
• No travelers is allowed to take picture of Sultan private bedroom at Umbul Binangun - Swimming Pool Complex.
• For short distances you can take a becak (pedicab) to drive you around.
• Some drivers offer you a city-tour for almost a whole day for 10.000 Rp per person.
• Dress comfortably. Wear sneakers and a hat, the temperature in Jogjakarta is quite high. Bring along an umbrella, in case of rain.
• When visiting Kraton or Taman Sari, avoid wearing shorts or mini-skirts. Your pants or skirts should be long enough to cover your knees. This conveys the message that you understand the local customs. And the locals will also respect you more.
• Bring along a camera to capture the memorable moments. You are allowed to take pictures in this site with a minimum fee.
source: www.my-indonesia.info
The Dramatic of Kecak Dance in Bali
Label: The Dramatic of Kecak Dance in Bali | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaThe Kecak dance is one of the most famous of Balinese dances. It is unusual because it has no musical accompaniment like many other Indonesian dances do, the rhythm of the dance is produced by the chanting 'monkey' chorus. Instead, a troupe of over 150 bare-chested men serve as the chorus, making a wondrous cacophony of synchronized "chak-achak-achak" clicking sounds while swaying their bodies and waving their hands.From that chanting noise of "Cak-cak-cak", then it gave the dance its name Kecak.
What makes the Kecak such a fascinating dance to watch are the fifty or so men in the checkered pants. They are both the choir and the props, providing the music for the story in a series of constant vocal chants that change with the mood of the actors. They don't sit still, either, they wave their arms to simulate fire, and reposition themselves around the stage to represent wind and fire, prison cells, and unseen hand of protection from the gods.
The dance is played in five acts and lasts roughly 45 minutes. It taken from the Hindu epic Ramayana, which tells the story of Prince Rama and his rescue of Princess Sita, who has been kidnapped by the evil King of Lanka, Rahwana and somehow with the help of the white monkey army, Rama rescues his wife and defeats the evil Rahwana.
Attending a Kecak recital is a must for any visitor to Bali. It is a wondrous experience, and a window into the musical and artistic culture that make the Balinese a special people.
By Land:
Bali is connected to Java by a regular ferry service running between Gilimanuk and Banyuwangi. If you are taking the train or a night bus from Jakarta, Bandung or Yogyakarta, travels first to Surabaya for the connection to Banyuwangi. Buses can be boarded at Banyuwangi or Gilimanuk for the final leg to Denpasar.
By Sea:
The state-run passengers line PELNI operates weekly sailing's between Bali and Jakarta, Ujung Pandang and Balikpapan. Regular ferries sail between Lombok and Bali.
No need to worry where youll stay in Bali. There are many hotels range provided here, from the luxurious, middle range and budget hotels are spread around the island.
There are a variety of restaurants in Bali offering a good choice of food to suit a variety of tastes at reasonable prices. Kuta and Jimbaran is a great place to eat especially Seafood and Western dishes are your best bets while in Ubud lots of sophisticated restaurants and many of the shopping centers in the area have places to eat and there are several fast food places for those fast food addicts.
Its so easy to move around in Bali, especially in the tourist area. You can rent a bike or motorcycle to move around the city. Theres also car rental. Public buses ply routes throughout Bali from Denpasar's Ubung Terminal.
There are a lot of things to do or see while youre in Bali. Beside its cultural and art, there are also numerous temples, ancient sites and of course, great restaurants around Ubud while in the roads around Kuta, Legian and Sanur are lined with shops and hawkers that sell about everything, offering a huge choice of places to eat and a lively nightlife.
Handwoven fabrics are a great buy; a simple sarong is an inexpensive, portable and practical travel accessory,
Ubud is the best place for you to buy paintings and other artworks,
Browsing at the Sukawati Art Market and Galeria Nusa Dua offers a tempting range of Balinese goods in one place.
Various hotels in Bali hold Kecak Dance performances and often deal providing dinner and tickets to the performance are offered at the main hotels in Bali. Ask your hotel for further information.
Weekly (in some places daily) performances of the Kecak abound around the island, but the most well-known Kecak Theater is in the town of Batubulan just north of the Balinese capital of Denpasar. The dance company provides transportation for a nominal fee to and from the resort.
Upon arrival, if your hotel has not arranged transportation from the airport, hire a taxi from the transport counter outside the arrival gate. Fares are listed by destination and must be paid in advance. Metered taxis are also available in Kuta, Sanur, Nusa Dua and Denpasar.
[=Travel Tips'>
*By Air:
Numerous international carriers service Bali's Ngurah Rai International Airport either directly or via Jakarta. Domestic airlines operate schedule flights from various cities within Indonesia.
*By Land:
Bali is connected to Java by a regular ferry service running between Gilimanuk and Banyuwangi. If you are taking the train or a night bus from Jakarta, Bandung or Yogyakarta, travels first to Surabaya for the connection to Banyuwangi. Buses can be boarded at Banyuwangi or Gilimanuk for the final leg to Denpasar.
*By Sea:
The state-run passengers line PELNI operates weekly sailing's between Bali and Jakarta, Ujung Pandang and Balikpapan. Regular ferries sail between Lombok and Bali.
No need to worry where youll stay in Bali. There are many hotels range provided here, from the luxurious, middle range and budget hotels are spread around the island.
There are a variety of restaurants in Bali offering a good choice of food to suit a variety of tastes at reasonable prices. Kuta and Jimbaran is a great place to eat especially Seafood and Western dishes are your best bets while in Ubud lots of sophisticated restaurants and many of the shopping centers in the area have places to eat and there are several fast food places for those fast food addicts.
Its so easy to move around in Bali, especially in the tourist area. You can rent a bike or motorcycle to move around the city. Theres also car rental. Public buses ply routes throughout Bali from Denpasar's Ubung Terminal.
There are a lot of things to do or see while youre in Bali. Beside its cultural and art, there are also numerous temples, ancient sites and of course, great restaurants around Ubud while in the roads around Kuta, Legian and Sanur are lined with shops and hawkers that sell about everything, offering a huge choice of places to eat and a lively nightlife.
Handwoven fabrics are a great buy; a simple sarong is an inexpensive, portable and practical travel accessory,
Ubud is the best place for you to buy paintings and other artworks,
Browsing at the Sukawati Art Market and Galeria Nusa Dua offers a tempting range of Balinese goods in one place.
*Various hotels in Bali hold Kecak Dance performances and often deal providing dinner and tickets to the performance are offered at the main hotels in Bali. Ask your hotel for further information.
*Weekly (in some places daily) performances of the Kecak abound around the island, but the most well-known Kecak Theater is in the town of Batubulan just north of the Balinese capital of Denpasar. The dance company provides transportation for a nominal fee to and from the resort.
*Upon arrival, if your hotel has not arranged transportation from the airport, hire a taxi from the transport counter outside the arrival gate. Fares are listed by destination and must be paid in advance. Metered taxis are also available in Kuta, Sanur, Nusa Dua and Denpasar.
source: www.my-indonesia.info
Baliem Valley - Papua
Label: Baliem Valley - Papua | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaOnce you read or give it a deeper study to Danis way of life, dont be surprise that you may find your eye lifting or forehead wrinkling. Why? Because the Dani is uniquely amazing.
The Dani men and women sleep separately in different honai (Danis traditional house). The men sleep grouped in one honai, while the women and children slumber in another honai. As descended from their ancestor, sex is taboo for the women after giving birth, for 2 or 5 years, as the result the
Dani generated healthier kids since the women focus on babysitting the kids during the most important phase of growth. This situation makes the men vulnerable to polygamy, its a true fact of life that the Dani men are allowed to have more than 1 wife or as many as he can afford. A man should give 4-5 pigs to the girls parent he wants to marry. For Dani men, his social status are initiated by the number of wives and pigs he has.
Another remarkable custom of Dani is that women will amputate their finger when their relatives die, hence doesnt be surprise when you see women with missing finger.
To enhance the quality of your experience in Baliem Valley, guide is essential since there are no clear maps or signage initiated for visitor. The guide will help to lead the track, communicate with the local people and in advance, the guide will inform the tourist about local dos and donts.
Flying might be the only way to access the Baliem Valley through Wamena. Here are some alternatives on carrier from Jayapura to Wamena: (For further info, ask the officers at Sentani Airport Information Center).
* Trigana Air Services provide daily flights into and out of Wamena. Spot the Trigana Air Service Offices at Sentani Airport terminal and Wamena Airport terminal.
*Manunggal Air
*Hercules carrier provide by Indonesian army (TNI)
To access Baliem Valley, you can rent car or public bus from Wamena.
For those who are adventurer and cultural observer in heart, stay and mingle with the Baliem Valley people is possible, just make sure your guide booked it before your visit. Go Show? Affordable.
If the first alternative is way too extreme, you can stay at hotels at Wamena:
*Wamena Hotel at Jl. Homhom 61
*Srikandi Hotel at Jl. Irian 16
*Pondok Wisata Putri Dani at Jl. Irian 40
*Nayak Hotel at Jl. Gatot Subroto 63
*Hotel Syah Rial Makmur at Jl. Gatot Subroto 45
*Hotel Anggrek at Jalan Ambon 1
*Baliem Pilamo Hotel at Jalan Trikora
*Baliem Valley Resort (3 star resort),
Would you mind if we say ON FOOT? Healthy foot and fit body? Absolutely. Through trekking, you can witness traditional ceremonies, traditional markets and the people of Dani.
There is no restaurant inside the Baliem- Valley, a guide could bargain the Dani people to provide simple meals. Its stoutly advised, that the visitor bring their own meals and snack during the trekking. Meals and snacks can be found in grocery store at Wamena
*Souvenir can be easily found on the valley and buy the crafts directly from the Dani people.
*Stone blade is a major favorite for the tourist
*Sekan: rattan bracelate
*Noken: made from trees bark
*Head and arm necklace
*Jogal: grass skirt
*And other head decorations
*The captivating Baliem Fiesta is held on August around 10 - 17 August every year. The festival performs traditional dances, pig races, ancestral fighting and races. Today, Baliem Fiesta is one of the main reasons why tourists visit Papua. Its a magical Fiesta says most of the tourist.
*Join the large and busy local market at Sinatma.
*Spotting mummies at Kurulu Village.
*Guide is needed to explore the valley
*Dont forget to bring the copy of your Surat Keterangan Jalan
*Best time to visit is between March and August
*If you travel during the rainy season, be prepared with cold weather equipment
*Ask your guide about Dos and Donts in the Baliem Valley
Foreigner must obtain a travel permit letter or known as Surat Keterangan Jalan to get the access into the interior part of Papua. You can obtain the Surat Keterangan Jalan at main town police station such as Jayapura, Merauka, Timika, Biak, Nabire, Monokwari and other main city. The permit of lasts will depend on your request, from 1 week until 1 month or even longer. Please prepare copies of your passport, recent photograph and list of places you wish to visit. Its easy to get the Surat Keterangan Jalan, because the officers are friendly and helpful.
You can ask your travel agent to arrange the Surat Keterangan Jalan.
source: my-indonesia.info
Back to Basic in Baduy
Label: Back to Basic in Baduy | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaImagine a peaceful place, surrounded by verdant atmosphere. Sound of nature the rustle of the wind amidst the bamboo leaves, the chirping of the birds, the faint rush of the river. Baduy village, located in the hills of Kendeng mountain, about 75 kilometers southward from Rangkasbitung, West Java, is the perfect place to people who want to taste a bit of serenity seldom found in big cities. Those with a taste of adventure might find trekking to Baduy village both interesting and stimulating.
Getting There
1.Rent a car. The car will stop at Ciboleger Village.
2.From Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, take a train to Merak via Rangkasbitung. It will take about 1.5 hours. From Rangkasbitung, use a public transportation (called ELF by locals) to Ciboleger. The trip will take approximately 2.5 hours. The sight of The Farmer?s Family statues in Ciboleger will greet you, bidding you welcome. Follow the footpaths?on foot, enjoy the natural landscape around you. You'll then pass through Gajeboh Village. Here you can see Baduy women weaving clothes. Proceed by crossing Ciujung River, the widest river in Baduy area. The sight of the bridge made of bamboos tied to one another (no nails are involved!) might deter you from moving onward, but no need to fear! The bridge is strong despite of its crudeness. You'll then enter Cicakal Village. Here you can rest and spend the night. The journey on foot from Ciboleger to Cicakal will take about 2 hours.
3.Alternatively, to enter Inner Baduy Village, you can use Koranji line then pass through Kroya Market. Every week, Baduy people visit this market to exchange their farming goods with whatever they need. From this place they'll move on to Cikapol Village.
Where to Stay
You can stay at traditional homes in Baduy, in Cicakal Village. The houses are built of woven bamboos with ijuk leaves. These houses might last for up to 25 years (in one condition: the roof should be changed once per 5 years). Baduy people don't believe in technology, so don't expect electrical goods here.
Moving Around
You'll be able to explore the lush forest and natural sceneries (for Baduy people never disrupt the nature). You?re welcome to take pictures as long as you haven't entered Baduy Dalam (Inner Baduy) area. People in Outer Baduy are more tolerant with signs of technology.
Dining Guide
There are no restaurants in Baduy, so please bring your own food. Sometimes you can ask the locals to share their meals with you.
Souvenir Tips
Traditional cloths (mostly blue) woven by Baduy women.
Other Things to See or Do
Traditional Baduy homes, Baduy women weaving cloth, Baduy people's activities (it's surprising to know that there are so many things to do without electricity!). Take pictures if you must in Outer Baduy Village, but never in Inner Baduy.
Travel Tips

* Bring your own snacks/food/drink, also medicines.
* Bring a torchlight to move around at night. Baduy people use damar (oil lamp) which might not be convenient enough for you to use.
* Bring an umbrella or a raincoat, in case of rain.
* To make the journey easier and more enjoyable, you can try to use travel agents featuring Baduy. For instance, you can contact Trekmate, Mapala UI, Caldera, and other travel agents.
* Respect the locals and their customs. For instance, never ever take whatever that does not belong to you in Inner Baduy. Ask your guide or locals for more information regarding what should and should not be done in this area.
* Bring spare battery for your cellphone (if you must bring it) and camera.
source: my-indonesia.info
Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi
Label: Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaA flat island about 15 km from Manado, with a friendly people. The coral reefs off Bunaken island shouldn't be missed while you are in Manado. These magnificent virgin reefs are still relatively unspoiled. The drop-off walls at Liang cove is not only rare in the world, with caves, gullies and caverns, harboring an immense wealth of marine life. Spectacular formation of reefs begin with flat at about 5 m depth. These plunge downward to form underwater vertical crevices with often reach depth on several hundred meters. On these beautiful reefs, a wonderful collection of marine life thrives.
The Bunaken reef is a chain of over 40 five star dive spots. The Marine Park is spectacular with the greatest concentration of tropical fish, coral species and world famous wall diving.
Clear, warm waters (sea temperatures usually range between 27-30 degrees C), light currents and calm seas allow easy access to the underwater attraction awaiting visitors to the five-islands of the Bunaken-Manado Tua National Marine Park which sits directly offshore of Manado. Bunaken is the standout favorite, with the highest density of schooling fish and the greatest probability to see larger species such as turtles, sharks, and napoleon wrasse. There are enough sites here to keep any diver happy for over a week without going elsewhere.
The Dive Sites :
Most diving takes place near Bunaken and Manado Tua, because of their many excellent sites. The following is representative of the diving in the area.
Lekuan Walls (I, II, III)
This long wall on Bunaken is divided into three sites: Lekuan I, II and III. Together they represent the park's best. Steep walls are marked with deep crevices, sea fans and giant sponges. The shallows are filled with fishes. The wall, often protected from stronger currents, is frequented by bumphead parrotfish, turtles, and Napoleon wrasses.
Mandolin has a knockout reef crest and a wall that attracts thousands of fishes like schooling fusiliers, surgeonfish, unicornfish, and bannerfish. They are acclimated to divers and are easily approachable.
Bunaken Timor
There are strong currents and lots of fishes on this long wall. The shallow reef isn't as spectacular as some but there are turtles, sharks, eagle rays, and other big fishes in the blue. Overhangs and small caves mark the wall.
Tanjung Kopi
Tanjung Kopi is a nice wall with a small school of barracuda and lots of sweetlips. Visibility in the shallows is not terrific but the numbers of fishes make up for it. Nudibranches and fire gobies are easy to spot here.
Siladen Island
Siladen has a beautiful wall of soft corals that bloom when the current is running. The shallows are nice with lots of fishes and schooling snappers.
Muka Gereja
Muka Gereja is a pretty site with thousands of fishes in the shallows and deeper canyons that lead to the wall.
Barracuda Point
Barracuda Point, on northwest Montehage, is one of the furthest sites. A school of giant barracuda are regulars along with jacks and tuna.
Manado Wreck
This 60m (200ft) long German merchant ship sank near Molas Beach in 1942. It sits upright with the bow at 23m (78ft). The ship is split near amidships back to the stern, exposing the wheelhouse and cargo holds. Dives finish up on a nearby shallow reef. Expect 10-15m (30-50ft) visibility.
Getting There
Bunaken Island is easily reached from Manado by motorized outrigger boat start from Manado harbor, Molas, Kalasey and Tasik Ria beaches. The public boats from Manado to Bunaken are leaving daily around 2 p.m (depending on tide), except Sundays, from Pasar Jengki near Manado harbor. Back from Bunaken to Manado usually early in the morning, around 7-8 a.m
Where to Stay
On the island you have the choice amongst a number of homestays, with rates starting at
Rp. 40 000 per day and person including full board. Some of the dive operations on Bunaken are offering more up-market accommodation, and even running water.
Moving Around
You can explore the land on foot. And you can use a boat to move from one dive sites to another sites.
Dining Guide
There are several of restaurants and cafes throughout Manado and the islands. Try their specialties: seafood, bubur manado and food made of coconuts!
Souvenir Tips
Sea-related products, such as items made of seashells, corals, etc
Other Things to See or Do
Diving, swimming, and snorkeling.
Walking around on the beach.
Sampling the tempting seafood cuisine.
Ornithologists and amateur bird-watchers might find visiting Tangkoko Dua Sudara Nature Reserve entertaining.
Travel Tips
Entrance tags and tickets can be purchased through marine tourism operators based in Manado and in the Bunaken National Park, or can be purchased from one of three ticket counters in Bunaken and Liang villages on Bunaken Island and on Siladen Island;
You should be aware that during the absolute peak season months July and August it usually gets VERY busy. Many of the better resorts and dive operators will not be able to accept walk-ins during that time since they are fully booked. Better make a reservation before;
Try to hire equipment from larger firms as these tend to be more reliable, but remember the responsibility of checking the equipment is ultimately yours.
source: my-indonesia.info
Mentawai Island: the Ultimate Diversity of the Hidden Paradise
Label: Mentawai Island: the Ultimate Diversity of the Hidden Paradise | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaThe Place and the People Located in the middle of Indian Ocean, 150 km and takes 9 hours trip from Padang, West Sumatra-Mentawai glowing with all the nature spirits and make it an extraordinary escaping spot from a hectic life. Mentawai is the natural habitat for 16 endemic species, and some of them categorized as endangered species e.g. Simakobu monkey (simias concolor-eat leaf as primary food).
The present life of Mentawai people categorized as the legacy from Neolithic era and they have a strong believe in nature spirit, for their life strongly affected by nature. They believe that nature is the center of life. All the genuine attributes make Mentawai a perfect place to gain cultural experiences, here you will notice a very fascinating and indigenous culture, like traditional cloths, art, music and the way of life. The entire culture attributes strongly reflects their respect to nature.
Tattoo is one of the most important symbol for Mentawai people, its reflect maturity, manhood and status. The art of this body painting inherit from their ancestor. The tattoos ink naturally made from leaf.
Among the surfers, Mentawai is the best place to fill their demand for challenges and natures beauty. The beaches offer one of the highest wave in the world, 3 to 4 meters, totally challenge your gut. Once you grounded your self in this hidden Paradise Island, next you will paddle out to the worlds best surf. Dont call your self Surfer if you havent ride Mentawais waves said most of the surfer to expressed their surfing experiences in Mentawai
There are four ultimate diving spot here in Mentawai ,Siberut, Sipora, Pagai Utara (north Pagai) and Pagai Selatan (south Pagai). You can find great waves here year round, but the best waves are during dry season, March to October. Make sure you have the gut to explore all the glassy waves, because the best way to entitled your surfing experiences remarkable is through finding your own.
Getting There
* Take flight from Sukarno Hatta air port, Jakarta to Tabing air port, Padang-west Sumatra (flight served every day)
* Trip from Teluk Bayur port, Padang to Mentawai island by Ferry
Where to Stay
Lot of visitors said, that the best housing to stay is the local people house. Offer you a distinctive way of living in a unique architecture and experience interacting with local people. Other wise you could stay in a budget hotel in Siberut.
Moving Around
To access all the beauties offered, you can use boat owned by local people. You can find the boat a long the beach and the rate depend on your bargaining power
Boost your taste with exotic and fresh sea foods that you can found in the local restaurants run by local people. If you are lucky enough, you can pick and cook your own sea food, but make sure you know the secret recipe/spices from Mentawais people. For those who are not sea food lover, you can find regular meals for your dining.
Souvenir Tips
Local hand made souvenirs like traditional hats, traditional bag and accessories will be genuine souvenirs for your relatives and friends. You can buy it in a souvenirs shop or buy it from local people directly.
Other Things to See or Do
Beach Activities
sight seeing
Cultural Activities
Learn how to perform the Traditional dances (war dance and gratitude to nature)
Traditional ceremonies
Mentawai is one of the best place to conduct an Ethnographic study since its one of the oldest tribe in Indonesia
Ecotourism Activities
As the habitat for rare primate, the natural rain forest of Mentawai will be the perfect place for research or other educational purpose. Here, you can conduct research about
Snub-nosed monkey/Simakobu (Simias concolor) monkey family eat leaf as primary food
Joja or Lutung Mentawai (Presbytis potenziani) easily identified for the long tail, white face and black hair head
Bokkoi atau Beruk Mentawai (Macaca pagensis)
Kloss Gibbon/Bilou or Siamang Kerdil (Hylobates klossii) famous for the beautiful voice, different compared to general monkey
Travel Tips
Nature and culture come to be understood and respected
Bring your own surf board with you, because its may hard to find surf board shop in Mentawai
You may arrange your travel using the local travel agent in Indonesia
Great wave can be find year round, but best wave is during dry season March to October
Bring your personal medicine
You may arrange your visit by contact the travel agent and airline services in Indonesia
source: my-indonesia.info
Kesodo Ceremony in Mount Bromo
Label: Kesodo Ceremony in Mount Bromo | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaTengger is a regional group of the mountains between 1700-2000 m above sea level. This area is a rural valley in the hills around Mount Bromo as the center. Tengger indigenous community in a part of life is important. Is maintained tradition as well as the functioning of community life and faith. Many among them a tale that tells about the origin of many ceremonies and mountains which are spread around Mount Bromo. Customs and religion have become part of community life Tengger from time to time.
Roro and Joko Seger Anteng a long descent
One of the big ceremony Tengger people who are known by the Indonesian community Kesodo ceremony is held each year in the twelve months to a matter of public pranatamangsa Tengger. According to legend, the ceremony commences from the Roro and Joko Seger Anteng a very long childhood. They have him long, but it also was not a child any time.
On a night when Joko Seger semedi are eager to invoke blessings of the gods, he saw a light flash in the distance. Joko Seger immediately invites his wife to come to light because the light certainly think it came from the gods who came down to earth. Once in place until light, the fact that light comes from light crater of Mount Bromo. Although a bit disappointed because they did not meet with the gods, but the pair are husband and wife swear in front of the crater of Mount Beromo that if the gods or kelang Hong Pukulon fulfill their request and their children are endowed with as many as 25 people and all living, the youngest child who will be sacrificed into the crater of Mount Bromo. Oath is intended as an expression of their sense of gratitude, both of them.
In fact a few months later gods earnestly fulfill their request, because the symptoms appear that Roro Anteng will soon have a son. Finally terkabul apply them, children are endowed with as many as 25 people are all OK. Children and Joko Seger Roro Anteng is almost the adult, but Joko Seger or the Tengger akan forget his promise before, namely the expense of the youngest son.
At the time a neighbor of the Tengger bermimpilah, if the Tengger not immediately fulfill his promise, then the entire region will be exposed to disaster and misfortune all the family Tengger akan dihabisi. Then a neighbor told these dreams to the Tengger. The Tengger and his wife are very surprised. They will remember their first appointment. The Tengger and his wife are heartbroken, they pity the fate of their youngest child. Apparently their youngest child is named Kesumo has heard discussion between his father and neighbors. Kesumo thinking, if such a promise to his father's first gods, then the promise is to be ditepati. Kesumo willing sacrifice for the safety of residents and their families. With a steady heart dikemukakannya meant to my father and mother. Only for the Kesumo requested that he sacrificed in the crater of Mount Bromo in the middle of the night the 15th full moon full moon confirmation. He requested that all the people in the area to convey to the Bromo crater burial as has been promised by her father.
That is one of the legends told about the origin of a ceremony in the community Kesada Tengger. There are still stories told about such a radical Kesada ceremony, the story of the Kyai Gede Dadap White who has a foster daughter, called Putri Tiban. While my daughter has grown into a teenage girl who canti, came a man named Kyai Bimo woo. Proposal was rejected by Putri Tiban. Because pinangannya declined, Kyai marahlah Bimo. Daughter Tiban akan condemned not to get a life mate.
Curse into a reality. To advanced age daughter Tiban still do not get a mate. Finally, on the instructions of Kyai Dadap White magic, Putri Tiban been bersemedi gods to request that the child was. Application was granted by gods. Tiban daughter was 25 children, but because of heavy support for the suffering of many children, the daughter to the gods Tiban seeking to avoid the intense poverty. As a reward Tiban promising daughter of one of his children to sacrifice to the crater of Mount Bromo.
Application form-Tiban daughter apparently granted by gods and start their lives improved, protected from poverty. Finally, with the feeling of a heavy daughter Tiban the expense of one of his sons entered into a crater of Mount Bromo. Next Tengger people and children and grandchildren Putri Tiban menganang day the victim as a warning and a receipt to the love gods. Development and indicates that the victim has a start and replaced by sacrificing some of the produce and livestock peliharaan. Victim was held in each month Kesada.
On the day Kesada the most important ceremonies, the ritual sacrifice and the inauguration ceremony and the traditional witch. The young shaman tested by the head witch Center (Chairman of the witch) is domiciled in Ngadisari. Victims of the Bromo crater dilabuh to include livestock such as chickens and goats. In addition there is also a result of money and melabuh plant. The most dilabuhkan is because the seed potatoes are potatoes that are planted in the Tengger.
Kesada ceremony began in the morning in the Mount Bromo Poten. Shaman senior assisted by the shaman-healer of all Probolinggo regency, Lumajang, Malang and Pasuruan start burning incense and implementing menguyubkan akan Kesada ceremony. After a silence which is reserved to the Almighty Hyang Agung, the soul and the gods, then all the objects into the victim dilabuh crater of Mount Bromo.
Besides the people who come to sacrifice to Mount Bromo, also many people who came there to do skelter, that is collecting goods dilarung to take advantage of them or take home. If the goods after the victim dilarung, the pemarit berlarian down the crater to retrieve the goods Labuhan. This is not prohibited by the head of the customs. In fact, there is that seed potatoes are taken from the float will be growing better than normal seeds.
Kesada ceremony begins at the sky in the east visible light, at around 04.30 hours and ends tomorrow dinihari same morning. The people who will follow the ceremony has been set out earlier, berbondong-Poten the crowd toward the start of the ceremony.
That sekelumit about Kesada in Tengger ritual that is still in progress until now. Presumably unique ceremony that will not ever be told with words without the need to watch yourself there. Society Tengger religious community is always to uphold the customs and beliefs
Reog Ponorogo East Java
Label: Reog Ponorogo East Java | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaReog Ponorogo is an art that comes from the region Ponorogo, East Java. existence appears only in the event day and religious hajatan. Ponorogo identical with reog. reog also began early history were created by the Ki Ageng lice to satirize bhre kertabumi, the king of Majapahit who are subject to fear and selirnya. There is also the origin of the dihubung connect with the story banner, the marriage between the prince of the kingdom jenggala and daughter of kendiri.
Thus reog eventually become a traditional art that still survive to this day in Ponorogo. even have extended to outside negeri.reog at this time also experienced growth, especially in the framework of its music and dance. for example kenong first used only one but now the two kenong. Gamelan accompaniment is also growing. and so called style reog as potrojayan style.warok Ponorogo can not be separated from reog Ponorogo because that is used to reog Ponorogo warok. warok what you get is what? warok is someone who has been wewarah. reog and can not be separated from the warok, both closely related to one another, and to be a very heavy warok because syarat2nya also very heavy. and a warok must also be able to provide benefits for anyone pun.festival reog its usual always visited by people overseas. and create a more surprised many who recorded it for the memories recollected because very impressive.
Ponorogo possible for people to see reog normal but in fact at the time of performance reog began almost 80% people Ponorogo alun alun to come to see the annual event.
Waterfall Cigentis
Label: Waterfall Cigentis | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaCigentis Wana is one of the tourist area of 5 ha, which is administratively located in the Village District Pangkalan Mekar Buana, Karawang region Level II. The management of forest areas, including RPH Cigunungsari BKPH Purwakarta.
The location of the visual landscape is quite interesting and challenging form of mountains and rice field and of the population that is still traditional. Potential visual landscape in the area that has characteristics typical of Curug and protected forest in the valley with the type of diversity is quite high, among the tree Rasamala, Puspa, Kibanen and fern, the types of pairs and types of bamboo.
There are around Cigentis sacred places such as:
1. Place Jiarah At Mount prop Buana
2. Waterfalls with bathing it seems that the stories from generation to generation can be here when the bath lasting victory.
3. Places to eat great-grandfather who has value in the history of Karawang regency, because based on the story of the former tomb guardian.
With the shrine above, many visitors who come purposely to see the place, both in the region and from outside the region even Kabupaten Karawang often used for camping students, Scouts and students.
Cigentis Perum Perhutani managed since 1995, perhaps the first time in the wilds of nature that is very good and many are used to isolate oneself. Status of protected forest area / field with a special purpose (LDTI)
Facilities located in the WW Curug Cigentis include ticket counters, MCK, shelter, paths, swimming pool, nature, signs, signs for objects and trash.
Wana Curug Cigentis tour can be passed with a 4-wheel drive vehicle with road asphalt. Achievement to the location is as follows:
- Karawang - toll road - Office asper lk 30 km
- Office asper - Badak Parakan lk 10 km
- Badak Parakan - Jayanti lk 3.5 km
- Jayanti - Curug Cigentis lk 1.5 km (paths)
source: www.tourismwestjava.com
White Crater
Label: White Crater | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaArea 25 ha, RPH Patuha, BKPH Ciwidey, KPH Bandung, South Village Nature Endah, Kecam, jill Pasir Jambu, Kabupaten Bandung.
This place is located at an altitude of 2434 m dpl, the field configuration is generally hilly land to. The temperature around 8 - 22 0 C. water source, depending on the rainy season. Humidity 90%, while the annual rainfall recorded between 3743 - 4043 mm / year.
Potential Areas
Wana is a tour that has a daily tour of the natural form of natural forests and volcanic craters. Daily tours that can be done is the cross and mountain climbing.
Plants that are on the tour this Wana namely: alang - alang, saliara, kingkilaban, kirinyuh, flower, white wood, pine and Rasamala.
Animals who are in Wana this tour are: sanca, owl, surili, tiger, wolf.
Tourism Potentials
Mount Patuha Ciwidey considered by society as the oldest mountains. However Patuha reputedly came from the town of Pak Tua (old), so that local people often call this the old name of Mt. Lebioh from seabad ago, the peak of Mount Patuha anker considered by the local community so that no one dare to come there. Therefore, the existence and beauty at the time had not known the person.
On the basis of some description, Mount Patuha had burst on the X century causing the crater (crater), which dry out in the western part of the next peak. XII century and then on the left craters in the discharge, which then formed a beautiful lake.
Year 1837, a Dutch half German named Dr. Junghuhn Franz Wilhelm (1809-1864) voyage to the South Jakarta district. When arrived in the area, Junghuhn feel the atmosphere of a very lonely and quiet, not a binatangpun across the region. He then asks for this problem to the local community, and the community; Patuha Mountain area because it is a very haunted place bersemayamnya spirit of the ancestors and the kingdom is the center of the nation jinn. Because when there is a saucy bird flying above the area, will fall and die. However, the Dutch one is not so confident this will be greeting the public. Continue the journey and then he cut through the mountain wilderness in the incident to prove what is actually going on in the area. However, prior to the peak of the mountain, Junghuhn stupefied witness the enchantment of nature so beautiful before, which unfold a lake with a wide white water greenness. From out in the lake bursts of lava and the sulfur smell offensive. And terjawablah is why the birds would not fly across the area.
From the beginning where the first factory-sulfur craters White with a time in the Netherlands: Zwavel Ontgining White crater. In the era of Japan, business is continued with the factory using a crater kenzanka White Yokoya Ciwidey, and directly under the supervision of the military.
Story and the mystery of the White crater growing from one generation to the next generation of society. Up to now they still believe that White is a crater where the spirit of the gathering ancestors. In fact, according to Karna kuncen direction the current age of ± 105 years old and live in Kampung Pasir hoe, wealthy village Mukti; crater in the cemetery there is a white ancestor, including: Keep Satru grandparent, grandparent Rangsa Sadana, Camat grandparent, grandparent Ngabai, grandparent Barabak, grandparent and grandparent Jambrong basin. One of the summit of Mount Patuha, Peak Kapuk, trusted as a meeting place of the ancestors that are led by grandparent Keep Satru. In this community a place to see (the unseen) set of woolly white sheep (sheep lukutan) who trusted as the reincarnation of ancestors.
Natural scenery around the crater is quite beautiful White; water lake with white greenness, very contrast with the white limestone around the lake. On the north side of the lake stood upright limestone cliffs gray moss that grows and various other plants.
Franz Wilhem Junghuhn now is no longer, but the inventor who is known by the name White craters still remain elegant glamor to this day.
Perum Perhutani develop WW White crater since 1991.
Facilities located in the crater WW White among Musholla, MCK, the information center, a mini zoo area, where children play, trade stalls.
The situation on the roads is generally good and the asphalt so that the vehicle can be achieved with two or four wheels. Distance 47 km from Bandung.
source: www.tourismwestjava.com
Solo City
Label: Solo City | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaSurakarta or more famous as Solo is lying across in fertile plain terrain along the longest river in Java, Bengawan or River Solo. Flanked by mountain volcanoes Merapi and Merbabu in the north, and mount Lawu in the southeast border, is famous as a stronghold and center of Javanese culture and tradition. Surakarta, is the cradle of Javanese culture, with two royal houses in one single city: the Kraton of Solo and the Mangkunegaran, a principality. Descendants of these two royal houses are still considered leaders of Javanese culture and traditions. Majestic ceremonies and royal festivals are still held with great affectation nowadays. Surakarta or Solo (550000 inhabitants) draws its name from the longest river of Java, which passes in this city. It was the capital of the kingdom of Mataram from 1745 to 1755. There are many Becak (rickshaws decorated with naive scenes) croos the city.
Solo offers an incredible list of eateries also popular far beyond the city. Solo today remains a distinctly Central Javanese with an elegance all its own. It is one of the centers of batik and other Javanese fabrics, and souvenir hunters may find exquisite 'objects d'art" and ornate trinkets in the local markets. Those interested in old, Javanese culture and art should not miss Solo. Solo is called the city that never sleeps. From the evening throughout the whole night one can always find something to eat or buy, as vendors of all kinds as well as small food-stalls remain active and open 24 hours. Home of two royal houses with centuries of power and influence over the city. There are nice inns and hotels in Selo for accommodation. This place was a famous holiday resort of Surakarta Royal Families.
Solo is Surakarta's commercial as well as its administrative center, and produce from the surrounding desa fills the markets every day. Solo produces cigarettes, herbal medicines and various other light industry products, but batik is far and away the most important manufacturing activity in the city. Batik is a traditional textile working process involving the use of wax to cover the cloth in patterns and thus control the areas affected by dying. In the traditional process, batik tulis ("written batik") hot wax is applied with incredible patience and skill with an instrument that looks like a pipe but is used like a pen. The women and girls sit circled around an often-smoky little burner that heats the wax.
Many of the larger houses participate in the batik industry, with an area set aside for a covey of from 10 to 30 women and girls, who usually come from the village (desa). Really skilled workers are generally old, and the present level of batik production is not likely to continue in economically developing Java as alternative, less demanding activities absorb more of this cheap labor.
source: www.indonesia-tourism.com