Jepara to become the tourist destination of Jawa, located at the shore of North Jawa, with it’s famous white sand beaches, blue sea, hotels and restaurants, historical monuments, national parks, furniture and souvenir shopping, clean city are the proud of Jepara.
The city of Jepara, worldwide known in the furniture business, since some foreigners started to export it’s unique carved furniture products about 25 years ago, currently accomodates a 3,000 expats, employed in the furniture- and other business.The best swimming beach in Jepara is the crowded visited Bandengan Bay Beach, with clear waters, clean wide beach, and powdered sugar sand, perfect for sunbathing.
There are many other bays around Jepara, most of them still in original state, where you may only see your own footprints during a walk.
Jepara Paradise
Label: Jepara Paradise | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaNusa Kambangan
Label: Nusa Kambangan | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaNusa Kambangan is the name of an island in Central Java is known as a place located several correctional facility (LP) ber high security in Indonesia. This island in the entrance area and administrative Cilacap Regency Recorded in the Indonesian island terluar. To reach this island people have to cross by ferry from the port of Cilacap in particular for approximately five minutes. The ferry port of this island called Wijayapura.
Originally there were nine in Nusa Kambangan LP (for political prisoners and prisoners), but now that is still operating only four, namely LP Stone (built 1925), LP Iron (built 1929), LP Kembang Kuning (1950), and LP Permisan (the oldest, built in 1908). Other five, namely Nirbaya, Karang Tengah, Limus clogged, Karang Anyar, and Gleger has been closed. Area south of the island facing directly to the Indonesian Ocean and craggy coastline with big waves. Cilacap area facing north and is surrounded by fishing villages along the mangroves, among others, Kampung Laut and Jojog.
Nusakambangan only the prisoners of the LP and its employees and their families, under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice and Local Government Cilacap. Out-enter this island must have a special permit with certain procedures. Children of employees in elementary school is available in the island. To forward to the advanced level (junior high, high school, or university), they must attend school in another city or Cilacap in Java.
Kambangan island, as are the reserves, in addition to frequently used for military exercises, is also a habitat for rare trees, but many who have tebang the wild. Currently most of the remaining plants are perdu, nipah, and shrub. Pawlar timber that can only be found on this island because many stolen after dried, has a quality that is equivalent to the timber from Kalimantan.
Traditionally, Sultanate of Mataram dynasty often perform rituals on the island and make it as a "forest ritual." In the western part of the island, in a cave located in the area of mangroves, there is a kind of inscription survival time of VOC. At the end of the east, at the top of the hill coral, standing lighthouse tower and fortress Cimiring small Portuguese heritage. Variety of plants typical Javanese ritual culture planted here. Nusa Kambangan recorded as the last defense of the pure plant wijayakusuma. From where comes the name of this island: Nusa Kembangan, which means "island of flowers".
Main ferry ports in the Port of Nusakambangan is Sodong, special transportation for the family and employees and prisoners.
Culture of Indonesia
Label: Culture of Indonesia | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaThe culture of Indonesia has took its current shape molded by several influences that have been prevalent in the land, as a result of the long process of interaction and acculturation between original indigenous customs and a multitude of foreign influences.
Nestled between the ancient sea trading routes between Far East and Middle East, Indonesian culture, too a large extent has imbibed much of its daily practices and art forms from the Hindu, Buddhist, Confucianism and Islamic influences. These connections are clearly evident mostly in its many trading cities.
The kaleidoscopic cultural hue of Indonesia is largely cosmopolitan and need to be distinguished from the original. The complex nature of this culture can be easily gazed by various lines of faiths adopted by people here, for example: Agama Hindu Dharma, a denomination of Hinduism is now practiced by 93% of Balinese. Other examples are the fusion of Islam with Hindu in Javanese Abangan belief, the fusion of Hinduism, Buddhism and animism in Bodha, the fusion of Hinduism and animism in Kaharingan, and many others.
With the diverse influences, shaping up the perspective of the Indonesian people, their lifestyle and values, the impact of the cultural fusion is also noticeable in Indonesian art forms. For instances, wayang- a traditional form of theatre show performed with puppets was used to spread Hinduism and Islam among villagers in Java. Similarly, in various Javanese and Balinese dances, often stories about old Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms are told. In Sumatra, especially in its Minangkabau and Aceh regions, one can see direct architectural inspiration from the Islamic art forms and architectures.
As far as the westernization of culture of Indonesia is concerned, an imprint of it though cannot be ruled out, but it is mostly limited to modern entertainment, such as television shows, movies and songs. One of the major influences in this sphere are the Bollywood songs and movies.
Mountain Batur
Label: Mountain Batur | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaIn the mountainous region around Kintamani, there is a lake with Mount Batur in the crater and hot springs that boil. The cool mountain air along the whole way, just beautiful with the existence of several important temples, which make Kintamani has become one of the places that do not forgotten in Bali tourist agenda.
Mount Batur is actually only one of a small volcano, but the location is in the middle of the crater diameter of 14 km. In addition, adjacent to Mount Batur Lake Batur is a crescent, surrounded by high walls of crater rim. Steepness crater size will make you imagine gigantic eruption of Mount Batur happened ten thousand years ago.
This mountain is still active until now, such as people who still remember the Bali blast that occurred in the year 1917 where erupsi has been taking thousands of lives and destroyed hundreds of temples. Erupsi other frequently after the incident occurred, so that force local communities to be evacuated, along with some temple covers one of the main Bali temples, Pura Ulun Danu. Pura Ulun Danu temple that is located in a large crater, and then moved to the top of the hill. Now, temple Pura Ulun Danu offers a scenic Mount Batur is captivating.
Bali Carrent
Market Float Estuary Kuin
Label: Market Float Estuary Kuin | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaWith panoramanya witness, as if tourists are sightseeing. Jukung-jukung laden with cargo of merchandise vegetables, fruits, fish and all sorts of different needs of households available in the market float. When the sun began to appear gradually also began menyepi market, the traders also began to go leave the market float to bring the results with satisfaction. The atmosphere of the market and float the unique characteristic is the thrust of boats large and small buyers find each other and the seller, which is always running here and the more shaky always played Barito river waves.
Market float does not have organizations such as the market in the mainland, so it does not record how many traders and visitors to the merchant or bersarkan merchandise.
Vendors that sell boating results of the production itself or neighbors called the hamlet, while the second-hand purchase of a hamlet called for re-sale panyambangan. that makes this market special is still going barter transactions between the traders boating, which is in a language called Banjar bapanduk, something unique and rare.
Tourism is often seen as a charm fantastik, Banjarmasin like Venice in the East, as both have the potential of river tourism. However, both the city and different cultural background. In Banjarmasin still found in many rivers throughout the houses float lanting called the house, which is always played in the waves roll.
Kuin area is a type of settlement that is located along the river (Waterfront village) which has several tourist attraction such as nature tourism, cultural tourism and cultural tourism. Life of communities living close to rivers such as the market float, edge of the river with the traditional architecture. Downstream mudiknya various traditional boats with the cargo is the party of interesting attractions for tourists, and even expected to be developed so that rural tourism can be in forming the image of tourism promotion of South Kalimantan. Still in the same area that tourists can also visit the Masjid Sultan Riau and Makam Raja Pelalawan, Kembang island, islands and island Bakut surprised. Kuin also in carving craft ornaments for the home Banjar.
Bukittinggi, The Most Relaxed Town in All Sumatra
Label: Bukittinggi, The Most Relaxed Town in All Sumatra | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaBukittinggi is one of the loveliest, friendliest, most relaxed town in all Sumatra. This town is situated more or less 930 meters above sea level. Bukittinggi, formerly named Fort De Cock by the Dutch, has a cool climate and is surrounded by three volcanoes: Tandikat, Singgalang and Merapi. In the outskirts of the town is the Ngarai Sianok canyon, a canyon separating Bukittinggi from Kota Gadang, 12 km away overland. Kota Gadang is renowned for its fine silver filigree and hand embroidery.
A center of attraction is the town's clock-tower, topped with a horn- shaped roof and referred to by the people as Jam Gadang. It overlooks the market square and the city's magnificent surroundings.
Also worth visiting is the Museum which is a Rumah Gadang, a traditional extended family house built in the 19th century. There are dance performances at the museum's open stage every Sunday and on public holidays. Night dance performances are at Sliguri. It is also worth seeing the bullfights at Padang Lawas (6 km south of Bukittinggi) every Tuesday at 5.00 p.m.
From Jakarta International Airport to Minangkabau International Airport in Ketaping it will take about 2 hours, after you arrive you can use Taxi or Bus to Bukittinggi. Coralia Bukittinggi with a grand view of the beautiful Anai valley, while Lima's Hotel, Hotel Asia and Hotel Denai are classified locally as 'superior hotels'.
• Simpang Raya, Jl Muka Jam Gadang. This large, popular restaurant has good-quality Padang food plus a basic Indonesian menu with soup, rice or noodle dishes.
• Under the Bridge Restaurant, Jl A Yani. This is a slightly up market travelers' restaurant serving steaks, pasta, pizza, apple pie and chocolate cake.
Moving Around
You can move around the city by Taxi, Bus or rent a car. Theres also a horse carriage or sado provide a colorful charming transportation to move around through the town.
Other Things to See or Do
• Watching one of the landmarks of the city, the Bukittinggi Big Ben or known as Jam Gadang. Also.
• Make nice trips in the environment like to the Harau nature reserve, the Pagaruyung Minangkabau palace and Lake Singkarak.
Souvenir Tips
As a tourist center, Bukittinggi boasts a multitude of craft,souvenir, jewelry, and antique shops. Many craft village lie within an hour ride from Bukittinggi.
• Lively Pasar Atas (Upper Market), just south of the clock tower, is lined with stalls and shops selling everyday goods and souvenirs. Nearby, Sumatera,
• Jl Minangkabau 19, has a huge range of textiles from Sumba and Irian Jaya and king sticks from North Sumatra.
• Though the horse carriage is far more expensive than the 'ojek', it is very popular with the locals, especially since it can carry whole families.
• The tourist office is at Jl Syech Bantam 1 (Mon-Thurs 8am-2pm, Fri 8-11am, Sat 8am-12.30pm; tel 0752/22403), near the clock tower.
• Tours: Many places offer one-day local tours to traditional villages, the Pagaruyung palace and the Harau Canyon.
Dining Guide
Good varieties of restaurants are situated on or close to the city. But, since youre in West Sumatra who is known with the spicy foods, we suggested you to try some Padang dishes like Rendang and Soto Padang. Here are some of restaurants around the city: Where to StayGetting There
Tantalizing Taman Sari (Water Castle), Yogyakarta
Label: Tantalizing Taman Sari (Water Castle), Yogyakarta | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaWhen a traveler is browsing in Kraton, then she/he should not miss The Water Castle or known as Tamansari, less than 1 Km west of Kraton. Just west of the Kraton, are the ruins, pools, arches and underground passages of the former pleasure gardens. It was built in 1758 by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I as a rest house and pleasure park for the Royal family. Tamansari means beautiful garden. It was badly damaged due to an earthquake in 1867. Some parts of it, for instance "Umbul Binangun" bathing pools have been restored.
Upon seeing the ruins of Taman Sari, some cultural experts say that it has multi purposed functions, such as:
1. A Rest house, in the form of water castle with beautiful park. The air is fresh due to:
* Artificial lakes and canals
* Bathing pools
* Large gardens with several kind of varieties of trees
2. A place for sport and entertainment
* Boating and swimming
* Deer hunting
* Classical dance Bedoyo and Srimpi
* Gamelan music
3. A place for meditation
4. An important palace and shelter for the Sultan. It was well protected. It had 2 Bastions
with 12 and 6 Cannons.
The Castle itself divided into two (2) complexes. They are:
1. Umbul Binangun - swimming pool complex
It is the swimming pool where only the Sultans women can frolic. In this complex only woman employees serve the Sultan. Theres also a three story tower, with Sultan private bedroom stands south of the swimming pool and The Sultans private bath-pool is behind the tower. Somewhere in the south part of the palace, there is a special place, believed to be Sultans meeting place, from time to time with the Goddess of the South Sea, Kanjeng Ratu Kidul.
2. Pulo Kenongo - Complex
Pulo Kenongo, the Palace of Kenongo Island was found in the middle of Segaran Taman Sari. (Taman Sari artificial lake, which was connected by water canal to the other artificial lake nearby the kraton) Kenongo is a name of flower trees planted in the front yard, where the fragrance spread out in the palace. Just like in a palace, there were living rooms, bedrooms, rooms to make Batik, a hall to perform classical sacred dance of Bedoyo and Srimpi, gates and sentry-boxes guarded strongly by the palace soldiers.
Getting There
There are two ways to visit this place. The one is through Pasar Ngasem Bird Market, just go inside and find an alley called KP III, turn left, walk about 200 m, there is the Pulo Kenongo rest house complex. The other is through Jalan Taman Sari, from Pasar Ngasem, go by becak to South Square, around 0,5 Km turn right, there is the East-main Entrance, leads the way to the Royal Swimming pools.
Where to Stay
Tourist who wants to stay in the heart of the city has many choices since there are a lot of star and non-star hotels available.
Moving Around
On foot
Other Things to See or Do
Sightseeing into the castles complex and buy some souvenirs at Pasar Ngasem.
Dining Guide
There are many local 'warungs' (food stalls) that serve local foods. You can try one of the famous Yogyakarta local dish calledGudeg, a curry of jackfruit, chicken and egg served with rice.
Souvenir Tips
Pasar Ngasem - Bird Market, here is a market place which sells several kinds of cute birds and pets. Traditional products and household earthenwares are also sold here. In this area Batik Painters do not only sell their products, but some also give instruction in this art. Art shops and galleries of medium quality can be found allong the alleys.
Travel Tips
• No travelers is allowed to take picture of Sultan private bedroom at Umbul Binangun - Swimming Pool Complex.
• For short distances you can take a becak (pedicab) to drive you around.
• Some drivers offer you a city-tour for almost a whole day for 10.000 Rp per person.
• Dress comfortably. Wear sneakers and a hat, the temperature in Jogjakarta is quite high. Bring along an umbrella, in case of rain.
• When visiting Kraton or Taman Sari, avoid wearing shorts or mini-skirts. Your pants or skirts should be long enough to cover your knees. This conveys the message that you understand the local customs. And the locals will also respect you more.
• Bring along a camera to capture the memorable moments. You are allowed to take pictures in this site with a minimum fee.