DISTRICT Jepara than known as a city carved in the Jepara district met with the regional center that has many small industries, such ceramic in Mayong, monel in Kriyan (Kalinyamatan), woven rope in Troso (Pecangaan), and rattan in Kalipucang (WELAHAN). centers in the traditional woven rope Troso is one of the industries that have opportunities to be developed as carved furniture.
Although not as advanced 1990s, the industry is still contributing in the economic development community Troso and Jepara in general.
In the 1997-1998, woven rope troso industry slump. That can not be separated from the conditions of the national economy worsened. However, industries that rely on traditional engine that does not mean dead. In 2000, the craft industry began to rise again.
During the victory almost every house in the village have Troso loom. In 1998 there are 165 units recorded in 2001 and down to 96 units. Now, the number increased again tenunnya machines, 114 units. In addition to individuals, cooperatives have a heap Gotong Royong 32 crafter and three companies engaged in the weaving industry troso bunch.
source: http://www.ukirjepara.co.cc
Woven Troso
Label: Woven Troso | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaRA. Kartini Museum at Glance
Label: RA. Kartini Museum at Glance | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism Indonesia
RA Kartini museum is located on the town center, northward the town’s field Jepara. The museum is a general museum and functioned as historical tourist object managed by the Tourism office of Jepara Regency. The museum is daily opened from 08.00 am to 02.00 pm. It was built on March 30th 1975 at Soewarno Djojomardowo, SH era and officially opened at Soedikto, SH era on April 21st 1977. The purpose of the museum establishment is to commemorate RA Kartini’s struggle. By documenting Kartini’s struggle and showing to the public, hope that public will always remember Kartini’s efforts in sustaining gender equity.
In this museum you can also notice several historical stuffs founded in Jepara regency. Total area is 5.210 square meters but only 890 sguare meters used for the museum building. The museum consist of three main building figured like K,T,N, form (abreviaton of KARTINI). The buildings are devided into 4 collection rooms as follows.
This room contains of RA Kartini’s heritage, including her portraits when she was alive.
A set of real wooden living chairs and table carved with anscient motive. With picture of her face when she was getting to be merried with the residence of Rembang, 12 November 1903.
*Portrait of her handwritten letter which she sent to her peenpal in Netherland
*Her only sons portrait, Raden Mas Singgih.
*Her fathers portrait, RMAA Sosroningrat.
*Her mothers Portrait, MA Ngasirah.
*Learning desk.
*Souvenir made by her students.
*Special device udes to paint clothes.
*Kartinis genealogy.
*Portraits of backyard of Jepara City Hall.
*Botekan (medicine box used to keep herbs).
*Original sew machine belongs to her students.
In this room we will notice Drs. RMP. Sosrokartonos heritage (Kartini’s brother). He had a hoge contribution in supporting Kartinis idea. He was well known for his special skill in traditional treatment using mineral water as media. People called him “Ndoro Sosro” and also often called “Joko Pring” and “Mandor Klungsu”. He was also well known for his “Catur Murti” skill (a harmony of spoken language, feeling, idea, and behavior). According to Javanese belieafe, a person who can achieve “Catur Murti” will become a real human. His heritages are well keep in this-Original waiting room chairs
*Sofa chairs which was used for rest
*Treatment bed which was also used for his final rest
*Portrait of Merapi Mount and Lawu Mount, not taken by using satellite or airplane but taken by his supranatural skill
*Yoga room
*Framed picture of alif (Arabic 1st letter) used to know the result of the cure
Contain of many stuffs from Queen Shima era in 7th century. Queen Shima was a queen of Kalingga Kingdom belong to Keling Sub-Distric.
*Portrait of Kalingga Kingdom’s stuff made of gold and platinum
*The statue of Trimurti and Siwa Mahaguru
*Yoni and lingga
*A block of carve stone, similar with the ornament which is settle on wall of Mantingan Mosque
*A set of gamelan (old Javanese traditional music instrument)
Ceramic stuffs founded in Karimunjava sea rooms, such as:
Besides all those stuffs mentioned above, in this room there are also some samples of Jepara traditional handicraft, as follows:
* Carving wood
*Monel (a kind of white steel)
*Ceramic stuffs
*Rattan and Bamboo souvenir
In this room we can find the skeleton of giant fish called “Joko Tuo”, which has 16 m in length and 2 m width. The fish was founded in 1989 by the local fisherman of Karimunjava. According the archeologist, the fish belong to elephant fish family. It is proven by the tusk which belong to the fish is similar with elephant curved tusk but most of visitor belief that the fish is a kind whale.
source: http://jeparatourism.blogspot.com
Mount Kelimutu, Flores
Label: Flores, Mount Kelimutu | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism IndonesiaKelimutu mountain is a volcano located on the island of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Location precisely in this mountain village Koanara, District Wolowaru, Ende. This mountain has three crater lakes on top. This lake is known by the name of Lake of Three Colors for the three different colors, namely red, blue and white. However, colors always change over time. Kelimutu is a combination word of "keli" which means mountain, and the word "quality" which means boiling. According to local belief, colors on the lake has Kelimutu each have the power of nature and a very formidable.
Start the beginning of this area found by Van Such Telen, citizens of the Netherlands, in 1915. Beauty known knowledgeable after Y. Bouman described in writings in 1929. Since that time began to foreign tourists come to enjoy the lake, known for haunted the local community. They come not only a lover's beauty, but also researchers who want to know the nature of the incident is very rare. Kelimutu area has been set into the National Nature Conservation area since 26 February 1992.
Tiwu Kelimutu lake or in the top three sections in accordance with the color - the color that is in the lake. Lake blue or "Tiwu Nuwa MURI koo Fai" is a gathering place where the souls of young-mudi who has died. Lake of the red or "Tiwu Ata Polo" is a gathering place where the souls of those who have died for and he always lives to crime / horoscope. While the lake or a white "Tiwu Ata Mbupu" is a gathering place where the souls of parents who have died.
Knowledgeable about the lake that 1,051,000 square meters with a water volume of 1292 million cubic meters. Boundary between the lake is a narrow wall of stone that is easy to landslides. This wall is very steep with a slope angle 70 degrees. Wall height of the lake ranges from 50 to 150 meters.
In the Kelimutu trip, visitors can enjoy the flora and fauna that are rarely found in other places such as mountain pine, red wood, edelweis, porcupine, wild pig, big rat, and bird gerugiwa.
Stunning scenery you can also see that such activities continue to whiff solfatara steam and the crater wall yellow. When you cast a glance to the east to reach the peak when a red lake, a hill-shaped tower looks round. That Buu Ria, located high in the Mount Kelimutu.
source: www.artukat.com
Market Ngasem (Special Region of Yogyakarta)
Label: Market Ngasem (Special Region of Yogyakarta) | author: Arts, Culture and Tourism Indonesia
Introduction The attractiveness of tourism sector in Yogyakarta not only in the palace, Malioboro, or the older buildings in the historic area, but also in places used by people in beraktivitas daily. One of the many people of Yogyakarta beraktivitas place that can serve as the tourism market is Ngasem. Ngasem market is the traditional market that sells special pets, especially birds. This market is located in the village of Kampung Ngasem and Park, Palace District, about 400 meters west of the palace Kasultanan Yogyakarta.
Perhaps, the area market Ngasem former lake frequently used Sultan Hamengku Buwono ber II, while a trip to see the beauty of the palace outside the fort. However, the long run the place, Lake berpelesir Sultan is a function of the switch and in the middle of the village into a market that sells bird special.
Start the Market Ngasem not known exactly, but a photo market conditions in 1809 years that was published in www.tembi.org site has been proven that the existence of this market has been far before the image was taken. Establishment of the market it is most likely related to the position of a bird or kukila for the Java community, especially among the priyayinya. In the community, and birds [1] not just as pets but also functions as a status symbol for someone. The position of animals that can fly this wonderful chatter and almost equated with the position turangga (horse), suspicious (keris), homeless, and women of the requirements to become a priyayi. This makes Java a priyayi not feel a priyayi that if indeed he did not have the five "objects" are.
Around 1960 Market Ngasem become more knowledgeable with the market dipindahkannya birds that are in the region Beringharjo market. Moving from the bird market Beringharjo make this market more identical Ngasem as a bird market, so it was not surprising when many foreign tourists as a bird call that market. As a note, actual market Ngasem not only to sell only birds, but also animal-other pets. However, because activities like bird-sell a more prominent, then the market is better known as bird market.
Market Conditions
Ngasem have broad market around 6000 square meters of place by about 150 stalls. Kiosks that are on the front of the market almost exclusively sell food (food) birds, cage birds and bird keeping hobby completeness. On the western part of the market can be found stalls selling ornamental fish and equipment maintenance as well as several kiosks that provide services to set up maintenance fish. Ornamental fish sold varied, ranging from the small size of the price Rp.1.000, 00 per head until the fish reached the price of tens of thousands even hundreds, such as Arwana and louhan.
On the eastern part of the market (area of 2000 square meters) can be found stalls that sell various kinds of birds, feed birds, and bird cage. Birds that are sold in kiosks are not just local birds, such as the turtledove, Kutilang, kepodang, emprit, prenjak, jalak, parakeet, parakeet, derkuku, owl, eagle, cucakrowo, canary, and beo ciblek only. Birds penangkaran results that come from overseas have also, as poksay China, silver gelatik from Canada and others. In fact, there are also occasionally sell a rare bird that is protected by the government. However, due to the sanctions provided by the government for the traders who sell the birds are quite rare bird that is foreclosure, many traders do not dare sell it.
As a note, the traders in the market Ngasem it is generally already know what type of bird is prohibited diperjual-traded freely. Office Market in the wall has been placed Ngasem image and name of the protected birds law and in the entrance of the market also noted that the law prohibits the sale and purchase of protected animals. In addition to selling the fish and birds, some traders in the market Ngasem also sells various other types of pets such as rabbits, Marmut, dog, cat, civet cat, monkey, chicken, turtle, biawak, gecko, Iguana, and even snakes.
In this market also provides jajanan market, such as Gempol porridge (made from rice flour is combined with a sauce of coconut milk and palm sugar syrup), getuk, lupis, thiwul, and gatot. In addition, there are also stalls, food stalls selling nasi soto and rames that is located adjacent to the kiosk vendors birds. (pepeng)